Bitcoin's Going To The Moon (Jpop ビットコイン 月に行く)

6 years ago

I adore Jpop, Anime, and Bitcoin, and so I made this with the help of some awesome people. I've made a lot of bitcoin music videos now. They get increasingly cheesier.
Please enjoy! It was a lot of fun to make :)

ビットコイン 月に行く - Bitcoin's going to the Moon

(a new money that everyone is using.) ビットコイン みんなの新しいお金
(future children, the money of the future) 未来のこどもたち、未来のお金
(Definitely very special, isn't it?) ビットコイン すごく特別だね
(bitcoin, i love you) イェー、イェー、イェー、ビットコイン 愛してる

(who are you, mr. nakamoto) 誰ですか? 中本さん?
(a Japanese person who speaks only english?) 英語だけ 喋る日本人
(Thank you from all of us, you are from a dream) ありがとう中本、夢の市民

(bitcoin is going to the moon. Revolution!) ビットコイン 月に行く レボルーション!
(Let’s go together! Revolution!) ビットコイン 一緒に行こう! レボルーション!
(join me and let’s calculate) 私と一緒にカリキュレート

(Thanks to this robot-samurai inventor man) ありがとう ロボット侍 発明家
(now we have transparent money) 見えない 新しい お金ができた
(I send bitcoin to all my friends) 友達 みんなに ビットコイン 送るんだ
(Let’s play with bitcoin, have good time together) 皆 ビットコインで 楽しく 遊ぶんだ

(godzilla and bitcoin are same) ゴジラと ビットコインは 同じ力
(powerful to change the world) 世界を 変える 大きな力
(this is beginning of new era) 新しい 時代の 始まりだ

(bitcoin is going to the moon. Revolution!) ビットコイン 月に行く レボルーション!
(Let’s go together! Revolution!) ビットコイン 一緒に行こう! レボルーション!
(join me and let’s calculate) 私と一緒にカリキュレート

(Let’s get rid of the old money) 古い お金 すてよ〜
(This is money 2.0 ) このお金は2.0
(New money bitcoin, let’s use together) 新しい お金 ビットコイン、皆で 使おう〜
(The people of the future, let’s do it together) 未来の 人たち 一緒に やろう〜

(bitcoin is going to the moon. Revolution!) ビットコイン 月に行く レボルーション!
(Let’s go together! Revolution!) ビットコイン 一緒に行こう! レボルーション!
(join me and let’s calculate) 私と一緒にカリキュレート
(bitcoin is going to the moon. Revolution!) ビットコイン 月に行く レボルーション!
(Let’s go together! Revolution!) ビットコイン 一緒に行こう! レボルーション!

Filmed/directed: Naomi Brockwell
Music: Nate Kohrs
Song performed by: Naomi Brockwell
Mixed by: Nate Kohrs and Naomi Brockwell

Edited: Josh Swain and Naomi Brockwell
Animation: Josh Swain
Graphics: Josh Swain

Choreography: Christa Carolina

Lyrics: Hisako Kobayashi, Jonathan Kobayashi Hales, Naomi Brockwell
Subtitles: Ken Sato

HUGE thank you to the amazing Josh Swain and Nate Kohrs for all their work on the video and song respectively, Josh Makinda (our resident Satoshi Nakamoto Whitepaper), Mike Ricci, Marie and Caroline D'Ambrosio, and everyone who watched the video!

Listen to the single:

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A huge thank you to everyone who supports this channel, which is funded entirely by community support!

All cryptocurrency addresses and social media pages listed here:

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Permanent Record - Edward Snowden

What has the government done to our money - Rothbard

Naomi's Privacy Bag: some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy!

Use the Brave browser!

USB-C to ethernet adapter:

Lightening to ethernet adapter:

Faraday bag wallet (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, and phone)

Data Blocker (if you're charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)

Computer privacy screen (use your computer in public? Keep your information safe!)

Phone privacy screen (don't let people in public see your private data)

Camera cover (for computers and phones, so no one can access your camera without you knowing)

Privacy Tip: Don't use wifi, and if you must, append the tag ‘_nomap’ or ‘_optout’ to your SSID to stop other websites tracking your location.

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