Weekly crypto recap: Brian Armstrong & Quadriga, & CFTC comments

5 years ago

I'm joined by Sasha Hodder, Ashe Oro, and Chris Coney as we discuss all the latest crypto news from the week!

Nevada passes terrible crypto bill, Caitlin Long gives us advice on what we should encourage legislators to do

Strange ETH mining payout frozen

Samsung announces galaxy s10 will have private crypto key storage

2 new ETF proposals

Recap of Pierce vs karpelles in the battle for Mt Gox

Elon Musk: "Bitcoin is brilliant"

Brian Armstrong (And David Silver's) tweet storm re quadriga: https://twitter.com/dcsilver/status/1098683686797668352?s=12

Gladius Network, LLC who self-reported to the SEC as doing an unregistred sale of securities. They will be following the same path that Airfox and Paragon are required to follow.

A review of the responses to the CFTC's request for information on ETH: https://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/CommentList.aspx?id=2941 (all comments)
-- Jesse Powell said of Bruce Tupper's response: "Blatant reg. capture & rent seeking: "Regulations and oversight of the token markets should be imposed by the CFTC and the SEC. CoinRegTech is developing a digital asset trade repository that will record transactions and confirm ownership of tokens."
-- CSW said he is SATOSHI

You can check out Sasha, Ashe, and Chris at these links:

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