Home made smoked bacon and Guga's life changing Smash Burger

5 years ago

We are not masters of many things but our home made smoked bacon on a life changing Smash Burger may tip the scales of greatness. The bacon is super simple and so yummy, not overly salty or smoky, just the perfect mix of easy and delicious.

Go to Guga Foods to get all the facts and check out the life changing smash burger in prime time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yX_bpbCmfo&t=465s

The awesome music: "Choppin Wood" by Last Horse Standing

The bacon recipe can be written on your hand:
Rub with 6tsp salt and 1tsp prauge powder #1 for each 5lbs of pork belly
Cure for 5 days/inch of thickness
Smoke till 150F internal

Do you make home made smoked bacon on your own homestead? Born again after a life changing Smash Burger? Don't let a cardiac arrest slow you down, Let us know!

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