Dickie Bush Stresses Why & How You Need To Build Digital Leverage

3 years ago

Dickie Bush is an online writer and creator of Ship30For30 - a cohort-based writing course that has taken the Twitter community by storm. In this episode of the Modern Mastery podcast Dan and Dickie discuss how holistic health and hybrid athleticism affect creative work, why writing is a necessity for everyone, and the definition and steps to building digital leverage.

Get In Touch With Dickie
Dickie's Twitter: https://twitter.com/dickiebush
Dickie's Guide: https://startwritingonline.com/
Ship30For30: https://www.ship30for30.com/

The Podcast: https://links.modernmastery.co

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The Power Planner (free): https://shop.thedankoe.com/planner

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The Blog & Shop: https://modernmastery.co

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