Chantelle Baker & The New Zealand Establishment Connections

2 years ago

This is in NO way intended to entice suspicion or any type of smear in regards to Chantelle Baker or her family.

Patrick Howard however - Rotary (vaccines) + The Web Company creating crypto for the banksters etc etc ...

This video, in conjunction with this description, is merely speculation into the potential control the DEEP STATE or WESTERN SECURITY ALLIANCE FIVE EYES has over choosing New Zealand puppets or, actors, as they manipulate the stage to try and maintain their order and control of things in New Zealand. There is a lot to this young lady, her family and social networks that I have yet to see anybody discuss, mostly in regards to her real estate portfolio, her fathers construction companies and ties to Simon Barnett (massive main stream media personality in New Zealand) - their association to strongly contested property developments and influence within the churches.

Some may say this is personal because of a situation that arose between Chantelle and myself (David Ruck) but no, that is entirely irrelevant other than the brief time we did know each other is the reason I do know these connections exist. Andrew Beaven, Leighton Baker, Simon Barnett - I hear a lot of complaints from locals in regards to their property development strong arming around Canterbury and no media EVER bothers calling them out on it, probably because Simon Barnett has been the voice and face of mainstream media in new Zealand for around 40 plus years.

Is Chantelle Baker controlled opposition? A chosen puppet by the NZ deep state / security apparatus? A "useful idiot"?

Just a pleeb don't mind meh:

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