Racism in America

2 years ago

Racist Black people do not exist, unless you you ask the very few honorable blacks on earth. I have a couple of video I have posted of brave black men admitting blacks are racist against white people. You will not hear that from over 99% of the black people in America. They want to play the race card and expect whites to empty their wallets every time they cry slavery, regardless of the 100% fact that they enslaved whites from the barbary slave trade all the way back to ancient black Egypt, 1000's of years longer than white Jews ever enslaved them.

Blacks HATE whites with a STRONG passion so people might ask the question, "Why don't they sell everything they own and move back to Africa so they can get away from the Slave Master they can't stand the sight of??? The answer is they KNOW Africa is a SHIT HOLE country and that their own people turn countries in to shit holes. They KNOW they would be living in grass and stick huts, no electricity, no food stanps or assisted housing by black leaders, and living like animals off the land is why they DO NOT want to return!

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