the beauty of living comedy

1 year ago

the internet is amazing for the select few
those of us that have a clue can still be injured by the internet
this all or nothing attitude that people have in relation to mental illness
you have failed yourself and the world
you're less likely to be what God wants you to be when you are denying parts of yourself
this is a legit live stream, i hope it still feels that way whenever you eventually watch it
i hated that performance @ rebel bar but i'd never been there before and didn't expect to be asked to do it
definitely a comedian's comedian
understanding the art form has its' ups n downs
what i do on yt is so different from what i do on stage
maybe i'm not supposed to release that part of me on stage, i dunno
carlin-esque rants, natural bullet point style grievances towards society
i am crawling outta my skin up there, just to let you know
anywhere i am, i'd do it for me
so many women in the nashville comedy scene tell me they are jealous of me (beautiful and drunk)
pretty women jealous of an unattractive woman that admits she's schizophrenic...SUCCESS!
why i would rather perform at a weed bar
schizos are a real threat to the higher ups
schizos brains cannot be washed
original personality will be restored in spite of brainwashing
take these pills and pretend you're happy
i bitch about america cos i live here damnit
it actually isn't shaking that bad
yours truly doesn't wanna take the necessary steps to make the viewers' experience more enjoyable, sari man
a smartphone would make my life more convenient i guess but fuck that shit
everyone's such an addict now
APPathetic oh my goodness 100% this
"future developments" but what is the future
5g everywhere, they gotta be turning it on extra
not buying more crazy conspiracy shit putting me on govt watch extra list
extra extra don't read all about it cos it's not politically correct
decent comics will sculpt a joke, shitty comics will just repeat it
sari i totally forgot that it's dark outside
such a bitch, i really am
live comedy show vs video
i need more proof that i am funny otherwise my talent is not real
the grueling sets are the ones that count
hashtag bah bah bah bah
those that criticize without doing so constructively typically have no idea what they're talking about and they also don't do what they are criticizing
stand up comedy is one of the hardest things in the world
i need to go inside but you know we gotta fuck around for a min
binge watching, so cool
there's always a bit right there...

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