1 year ago

I hate this shit.
I woke up suddenly in 2002 while researching my health problems vs the Anthrax Vaccine in The Air Force in 1990 during Operation Desert Storm.

I was neither informed nor did I give my consent to the shot because the told me it was a flu shot.

They lied to me.
I was ready to devote the rest of my life to The United States Air Force and they lied to me. They lied to us all. Prior to around maybe 1993 or so the Anthrax ( BIOTHRAX ) Vaccine was simply listed in capital letters as FLU shot in our Yellow Shot Records.

That lack of informed / consent is ( by definition ) a War Crime.

Required reading : VACCINE A, by my old friend Gary Matsumoto who somewhere retains a very complete listing of all of the known BAD BATCH Lot #’s and bases / locations where they were given regardless of Branch Of Service.

To this very day the autoimmune illness ingredient MF-59 ( MOTHERFUCKER 59 )
is still in those shots. !!!! It’s highly likely that hundreds of thousands of Post War Veterans are suffering from a particular type of Gulf War Illness, that seems somewhat indistinguishable from what we commonly refer to as Fibromyalgia. There is a close close relationship there. That’s all I’m saying.

The Vaccine companies like to hide the MF-59 under over one hundred aliases including AS03 and AF03 among others.

By 1994 they were putting it in regular flu vaccines in Europe.

We’ve all been set up for quite some time now.

My best personal advice as a very sick Gulf War Veteran is to never let you or anyone you love get vaccinated again. ESPECIALLY NEW BORNS !!!!!

We have to fight tooth and nail to keep children ~ in particular, from getting any kind of experimental vaccines and someday soon perhaps give them none at all.

So here we have this suicidal COVID-19 Vaccine Death and Crippling Disease making ~ POPULATION CONTROL APPARATUS AT WORK.

These stories are coming out of the internet woodwork and I am simply compiling and sharing…… because I am an Information Bulldozer.

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