An alleged truck thief was captured early Friday after a CHP pursuit onto the streets of Oakland

2 years ago

According to the CHP, a truck suspect was discovered asleep inside the vehicle with its lights on around 1:42 a.m. on a Castro Valley street.

As he slept, CHP officers snuck up the vehicle and placed a spike strip in front of it.

Once awaken, the suspect started up the truck, fleeing over the spikes, puncturing his tires. But he continue to flee, making his way to westbound 580 while driving on his rims.

Eventually, the suspect made his way into Oakland where he abandoned the damaged truck in the 400 block of Vernon.

With the CHP chopper overhead with its infrared camera engaged, the suspect was tracked on foot until he attempted to hide in some bushes.

The chopper crew directed ground officers to the location where the suspect was taken into custody.

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