Dad Explains Dating to his Confused Teenage Son 👦🏽 (Animation Meme) #shorts

2 years ago

Oh, so I'm wrong, so I'm messed up. Well, which one of us is missing a chick, Tom? You don't see *me* running around looking for a chick. I know where all my chicks are, thank you very much 👩🏽

I had to take this opportunity to quote the Boondocks

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Sourced from @VladTV + @**officialsugafreethapimp**

How to tell if she's in her hoe phase 👄 (Animation Meme)

I can spot a oh and I could sit right here. Just open the window. I could tell you. That is a oh. I mean, you know by how they walk, how they sit down, how they stand up. Talk. Its. Is things that tell you. Is she a oh

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My personal stories, skits, memes, and short animated films

#️⃣ #kylesamuels #animation #meme #dating #vladtv #sugafree #skit #2d #2danimation

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🖥 Hardware
- iPad Pro (2018)
- Apple Pencil

⚙️ Software
- Procreate
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe After Effects

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