Kathy Hochul’s Reign Of Incompetence Rolls On

2 years ago

New York Gov. Hochul continues to force herself into Andrew Cuomo’s mold of a Progressive-hating Democrat running New York.

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Kathy Hochul continues her sort of self-immolation. yeah. reign of incompetence. it really is just a tantrum but it's also just sort of like really that politicians are incredibly vindictive. they have I mean I think as a species no moral compass. there may be some that do but it's not really worth knowing they're an exception to the rule. but what they do have is usually a political antenna that tells them that when they either do something because it's a favor for somebody or they do something it's in retaliation for somebody. they do it in a way that doesn't harm them. Kathy Hochul still very angry about the fact that Democrats in the New York Senate rejected a nominee for the top position in the top Court in New York state who was less than who's very shaky on a woman's right to choose. was anti-union. just all around basically a conservative figure. I believe LaSalle was the one judge among the selection that the unions objected to. yes. yeah. right yeah. I mean again remember there's a good argument that at least a significant portion of the reason that the Republicans controlled the federal Congress right now is that in part of the New York state supreme court which struck down the Democratic parties gerrymander or redistricting. It was stacked by conservative judges in a very similar way that Hochul was trying to replicate Andrew Cuomo. And that's why progressives had issues with it and it hurt the Democrats on the federal level. Now for the sake of accuracy, I also understand it was a huge failure on the part of the democratic you know party apparatus that happened as well. they screwed up on referendums or purposely or un purposely but but nevertheless so Hochul was mad about that nomination being struck down. and she just vetoed what's the legislation? reading families act. right here up on the screen. I mean so first it is just in terms of political Optics she's a Democratic governor who is trying to push forward a Judicial nominee for the top Court in the state to break the deadlock to make the conservative majority who is anti-abortion and anti-labor in this climate. and then also vetoing a bill in retaliation against a senator who was opposed to LaSalle's nomination because he was the head of the committee that was responsible for killing The Grieving Families Act. and and this would have allowed essentially a relaxation of statutory damage statutory limitations on Damages for emotional suffering after a wrongful death.

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