Choosing Health Freedom and Life in the Face of COVID and Impending Global Tyranny

1 year ago

This is We Are Change Chicago's new mini documentary Choosing Health, Freedom, and Life in the Face of COVID and Impending Global Tyranny. It includes interviews with expert researchers and is packed with evidence. Please share far and wide! We tried to create a tool you can easily use to inform your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. Please make use of it!
#Pfertility #DirectedEvolution #vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #WEF2023 #NurembergCode #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #Davos #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #GOF #GainOfFunction #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy #Orwell #Dystopia #Metaverse #Totalitarianism

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