Larry Swedroe Portfolio (Backtest and Rules)

2 years ago

Join us as we explore the Larry Swedroe Portfolio (30/70, Small-cap value) (Backtest and Rules) - a diversified investment strategy designed to provide long-term growth while minimizing risk.

With a heavy allocation to bonds, this portfolio is ideal for pensioners or risk-averse investors who are looking for stability in their investments.

The portfolio includes a mix of domestic and international stocks, as well as bonds of different maturities and credit quality.

With a 30/70 allocation, the portfolio is split between equities
15% small-cap value
7.5% international small-cap value
7.5% emerging markets
70% bonds (intermediate bonds)

Tune in to see the results of our backtest and whether this strategy is right for you.
#LarrySwedroePortfolio #DiversifiedInvestment #RiskMinimization #Pensioners #RiskAverseInvestors #Equities #Bonds #SmallCapValue #InternationalStocks #EmergingMarkets #IntermediateBonds #InvestmentStrategy #BacktestResults #LongTermGrowth #Stability

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