Freedom From Sabbath Keeping:

2 years ago

Evidence Bible.

Rest up from Work one day a week.

Colossians 2:16
Exodus 20:8 - 11
Exodus 31:13 - 17
Acts 15 - 29
Acts 20:7
Mark 2:27
1st Cor 16:2
Romans 14 5-10
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 10:1
1st Corinthians 9:19-20
Galatians 3:10

Seven Day Adventist CULT has taken this False Idea to new levels in this Generation even by people who don't claim to be SDA. .

But not all SDA churches must adhere to this. My local SDA church here meets on Saturday but rents there building out to a Pentecostal church meeting every Sunday. Obviously, they don't believe this here (exclusive Saturday worship) or they wouldn't allow another group to meet on their premises on a (so called by them "SDA Cult") 666 Catholic appointed day.

The future decree of the mark of the beast 666 going to church on Sunday.
Or just Worshipping on Sunday you will be worshipping the Beast. (GARBAGE)
What nonsense. UNBIBLICAL. Not found in scripture anywhere.

The Mark. Is about COMMERCE. Buying and selling.

Everyday of the week Monday to Sunday is based on Pagan gods with the etymology.

Saturday is SATURN'S day. Saturn has connections to Satan.

The people I know base their whole Christian experience by going to church on a Saturday. From what I remember they learnt that from other SDA people they were influenced by. When I asked them if they were SDA they said no.

So sad to see that this lady did a false study on this. Made copies of this study and handed them out to bible illiterate unsaved people just because they are covid unvaxxed and so called freedom lovers. Who she thought needed to know the truth about the 666 Mark and the future 666 decree by the Pope that we should all expect.

News Flash: That will never happen.

Hey: how about telling them the (UNSAVED SINNERS) they are going to Hell if they die unrepentant and without Christ?

The King James Bible says:

The soul that sins dies. The second death.
HELL. Eternal separation from God and the saints.

Oh that's right Ellen G white (A devil and a Liar, well known Plagiarizer) taught and believed there to be No Litteral "Hell" only Annihilation of the soul like the Jehovah Witness Cult believes and taught from 1880 onwards.

Do not fall for the SDA Cult. Or the Jehovah Witness, or Mormons They are not Biblical Christians no matter how genuine they might seem if they show up at your door.

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