The bread of life

2 years ago

The provision that God gave them came with instructions. They were to gather it every morning after the dew dried up but before the sun got too hot. They were to gather an omer for everyone in their family. Gather twice the daily amount on yom shishi, Friday, and it would last through Shabbat. Any manna left over must not be kept overnight or else it would spoil. But not on Erev Shabbat because the manna would not spoil during Shabbat.

Israel would eat manna for 40 years until they crossed over the Jordan into Canaan. It had a taste like wafers made with honey. Whenever I read that I think of graham crackers.

This bread was heavenly miracle food. It was nutritious. It could be prepared in a variety of ways. It was amazing stuff.

But note. God said this was a test for the Children of Israel. It was to see how they could follow His instructions. Have you ever noticed that there are some people that just can’t or won’t follow instructions? They always know better than anyone else how to do things.

Well sure enough, there were some who just could NOT follow what they were supposed to do. It really was such a pain the tuchis to get up early every morning and gather the manna. It is just so much more efficient to gather twice as much as they needed. They tried to keep it overnight so they would not have to gather it in the morning. It did not end well.

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