Qigong for Winter to Spring - Water Nurtures Wood

2 years ago

Firstly, happy Lunar New Year to you all! And welcome to this new, seasonal Qigong sequence to help us transition from the cool, heavy energy of Winter into the lighter, warmer energy of Spring!

We begin by harnessing the energy of the kidneys / reproductive system and activate our 'bio-battery' then spend a bit of time, warming and opening the hips.

We move deeper into the Water element and build leg strength with the lovely, undulating 'Move the Body like a River' followed by some wide stance 'Swimming Dragon' moves to open up the body and work with the watery energy of the kidneys, bladder and bones.

Then we go a little more Yang, with some Tiger and Dragon claw exercises to activate our Liver / Gallbladder energy before calming that newly sprouting Wood with some gentle healing sounds for the liver and Push the Energy Six Ways to soothe this nascent, rising Yang.

I hope you enjoy it! There will be another one very soon.

Don't forget to come and say hi on Instagram @qi_and_gong & if you like, you can also buy me a coffee here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/QiGongMaggie

Thanks for watching and practising with me!

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