The Biblical End Of Days (Durations) Verses as Book of Daniel/Revelation Says.

2 years ago

1260 Days = (60 Weeks + 60 Weeks + 60 Weeks)
1290 Days = (408 Days + 666 Days + 216 Days)
1335 Days
2300 days

1260 Days + 1335 Days = (6 Years 6 Months 6 Days + 216 Days)

1260 Days + 2 Months 16 Days = 1335 Days.

70 weeks (2 days 16 months) 216

I have so many timeline charts. Some I have never posted online. Compiling the numbers Ecclesiastes chapter 7 The 666th chapter of the Bible "adding one by one to find out the account" It all comes to the numbers associated with Obama's Birth. Which is as according to scripture the "Number of his name".

8 Verses:

Daniel 7:25
Daniel 8:14
Daniel 9:24
Daniel 9:25
Daniel 9:27
Daniel 12:7
Daniel 12:11
Daniel 12:12

5 Verses

Revelation 11:2
Revelation 11:3
Revelation 12:6
Revelation 12:14
Revelation 13:5

When you take all this into account it's a little strange to believe in an Exclusive:


To cram all these length of days into 7 Years I don't think it works. And I have so tried. I was a Pretrib Rapture person up to 14 years ago. So a Pretib theorist a good part of my life having studied it extensively from my early brainwashing by its teachers. Rather that reading the Bible KJB in context for myself. Then the Truth concerning the Biblical end of days comes out what it says and does not say. It's easy really.

He comes in the clouds to Gather his own at the opening of the sixth seal.

Before his wrath is poured out on the earths inhabitants. Trumpets/Vials.

It's a lot longer than that the biblical End Of Days.

9 Years 9 Months by my estimates.

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