Sep 29, 2008 🎺 The Lord says... Fill the Cups of the Thirsty and let the Arrogant depart

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Fill the Cups of the Thirsty & Let the Arrogant depart

September 29, 2008 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, He who is called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for the Lord’s little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… I am come, I dwell with My people. And behold, I shall also return and gather My own… Some before, and many more after. Therefore those of you who have received My Word, it is time for you to walk in it.

And those of you who have not received, you shall depart for a time. Yet you also shall receive when your time comes, for My Father will make it possible for you to do so. I am The Lord.

Therefore to those of you who remain faithful, I say this… Come and drink fully of that which is sweet. Come and drink also of that which you perceive to be bitter and very hard to swallow. Ingest it fully, for it too shall become sweet when understanding comes…

Receive of Me and partake of My Words, every one; fill your cups! Then run quickly and hand it to all those dying of thirst in this world, yes, offer them both the bitter and the sweet. And oh how blessed are those who receive, for they shall surely escape.

Yet concerning those who refuse to drink, those who hold up the hand and shoot out the lip… Pour it out upon the ground before them, as a testament against them.

For again I say to you… Whoever receives My message receives Me, and I sanctify them. Yet whoever does not receive My message is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad… They shall not escape!

For in the Day of The Lord’s Anger, that which they have refused in their arrogance – for they know nothing yet as they ought to know – shall come full circle and return atop their own heads! For the day shall come when they shall be as one who grovels in the dark, unable to see, as one dying of bitter thirst, endeavoring to lap up that which is about to evaporate.

Yet take hope, beloved ones, for even among these most arrogant and high-minded children, there is a remnant of whom I know. For in this also is the glory of God revealed…

For that poured out as a testament against them does indeed contain wrath, yet from wrath shall also come forth repentance and deliverance among the remnant whom The Lord shall call…

For I tell you the truth, those who taste even a single drop of that which I offer them shall receive all the riches of Heaven, when understanding comes and My glory is revealed!… Says The Lord.

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