Unlocking the Mystery of the NanoVNA: What It Is and How You Can Use It

1 year ago

I take an introductory look at why you might need a VNA, in particular I show you the NanoVNA, a tiny vector network analyser. Some of the sites below go into more details as do many others, so it is well worth digging into it. I did try 3 different cameras to try and video the screen but it was not going to work, sorry.

Also have a look at https://nanovna.com/
https://www.youtube.com/@HB9BLA (Andreas Spies Amateur channel)
https://www.youtube.com/@bigclivedotcom (Just because!)

and 'The state of Amateur(NOT HAM) radio today' http://www.tekmaker.co.uk/p/the-current-state-of-amateur-not-ham.html

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