China Will Retaliate - NEWS TIMES 9

2 years ago

China fights as US fighter jets destroy spy balloon
China has responded to the US's choice to destroy its high-elevation expansion, saying it "maintains whatever authority is needed to utilize important means to manage comparable circumstances."

US military contender jets on Saturday destroyed the Chinese high-elevation swell over the Atlantic Sea.

These are the most recent turns of events.
President Joe Biden on Saturday endorsed destroying the inflatable and let CNN know that his organization was "going to fare thee well" of it. The Pentagon said the inflatable didn't represent a military or political danger on Friday.

The US military brought down the inflatable over the Atlantic Sea on Saturday. Naval force and Coast Gatekeeper vessels are scouring the sea region for trash.

The remaining parts of the Chinese inflatable will be taken to an FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia, for examination by FBI specialists and knowledge organizations, authorities said.

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