SEO Course Topical Authority - Module 1 2/2 Identity Topical Authority Coverage and Gaps

2 years ago

#seoexpert #seo #seotips

This is the first of two modules in my SEO Course on topical authority. In this module, we will discuss identity topical authority coverage and gaps.

In this module, we'll discuss how to identify topical authority coverage and gaps in your content marketing strategy. We'll also outline ways to address these issues and improve your content's overall authority.

This video is about the topic of Identity Topical Authority Coverage and Gaps. In this video, we will discuss how to identify topics that have a high level of authority and coverage in the search engines, and then fill in the gaps with relevant topics.

Are you looking to increase your product or brand's topical authority? In this module, we'll explore how to identify and cover topical areas with authority. We'll also look at ways to fill any gaps in coverage.

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