Strategic Cooperation between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Aviation Industry Corporation of China

1 year ago

2012年12月19日,中国科学院与中国航空工业集团公司在北京签署战略合作框架协议。中国科学院院长白春礼、中国航空工业集团公司董事长林左鸣出席签约仪式并讲话,中科院副院长阴和俊、张亚平,中航工业集团副总经理徐占斌出席签约仪式。On December 19, 2012, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Beijing. Chun-Li Bai, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zuo-Ming Lin, chairman of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, attended the signing ceremony and delivered speeches. He-Jun Yin and Ya-Ping Zhang, vice presidents of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhan-Bin Xu, deputy general manager of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, attended the signing ceremony.
中科院副秘书长潘教峰,中航工业集团纪检组组长孙卫福,中航工业集团经理部、人力资源部、科技与信息化部、有关所属单位以及中科院办公厅、生命科学与生物技术局、高技术研究与发展局、有关研究所的领导、专家代表参加了仪式。Jiao-Feng Pan, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Wei-Fu Sun, leader of the Disciplinary Inspection Group of Chinese Communist Party, leaders, experts and representatives from the Manager Department, Human Resources Department, Science and Technology and Information Technology Department, relevant affiliated units of AVIC Group, the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Life Science and Biotechnology Bureau, High Technology Research and Development Bureau and relevant research institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the ceremony.
林左鸣在讲话中指出,长期以来,中航工业集团与中科院进行了广泛而深入的合作,取得了丰硕成果。当前中国航空工业正处于由跟随发展向自主创新转变的重要阶段,加强前沿技术的探索研究是中航工业集团今后开展科技创新工作的一个重要领域。中科院是各学科尖端人才云集之地,是国家开展基础研究和应用研究的主要科研机构,中航工业集团是国家战略性高技术产业航空工业的主力军,双方的合作具有很强的互补性。根据战略合作框架协议,双方将在科技研发与交流、人才培养、基地建设等方面建立长期、全面、稳定的合作关系。Zuo-Ming Lin pointed out in his speech that for a long time, AVIC and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have conducted extensive and in-depth cooperation and achieved fruitful results. At present, China's aviation industry is in an important stage of transformation from follow-up development to independent innovation. Strengthening the exploration and research of cutting-edge technologies is an important field for AVIC to carry out scientific and technological innovation work in the future. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is a place where cutting-edge talents gather in various disciplines. It is the main scientific research institution for the country to carry out basic research and applied research. AVIC is the main force of the national strategic high-tech industry aviation industry. The cooperation between the two parties is highly complementary. According to the strategic cooperation framework agreement, the two parties will establish a long-term, comprehensive and stable cooperative relationship in scientific and technological research and development and exchange, personnel training, and base construction.
白春礼在讲话中强调,中航工业集团是国有特大型企业,是中国航空工业的主力军,为中国航空工业的发展作出了卓越贡献。双方将围绕航空材料、航空发动机和燃气轮机、电子信息、转化医学等重点合作技术领域,充分发挥各自优势,联合建议承担国家重大任务,部署前沿技术研究,推进技术验证和转化应用,实现重大创新成果产出,培养高水平人才。中科院将切实发挥国家科研机构以及国家科学思想库、培养科技骨干人才“大学校”的作用,履行出成果出人才出思想的战略使命,加强协同创新,与中航工业集团携手并进、共同努力,为提升中国航空工业自主创新能力、实现中国航空工业跨越式发展做出应有的贡献。In his speech, Chun-Li Bai emphasized that AVIC is a large state-owned enterprise and the main force of China's aviation industry. The two parties will give full play to their respective advantages in key technical areas of cooperation such as aeronautical materials, aero-engines and gas turbines, electronic information, and translational medicine, jointly propose to undertake major national tasks, deploy cutting-edge technology research, promote technology verification and transformation applications, and achieve major innovations output and cultivate high-level talents. The Chinese Academy of Sciences will give full play to the role of national scientific research institutions and national scientific think tanks, and cultivate key scientific and technological talents as a "big school", fulfill the strategic mission of producing achievements, talents and ideas, and strengthen collaborative innovation, go hand in hand with AVIC and work together to make due contributions to enhancing the independent innovation capability of China's aviation industry and realizing the leapfrog development of China's aviation industry.
可以预见如果美国重视2012年中国科学院和中国航空工业集团有限公司就战略合作签约的问题,美国肯定会从奥巴马时期就对中国科学院及中国科学院所有下属机构进行全面制裁. It could be arrived that if USA had given due attention to the cooperation between Strategic Cooperation between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Aviation Industry Corporation of China from 2012, USA would have been likely to place comprehensive sanctions against Chinese Academy of Sciences and affiliates.

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