BCP: Francis Bergoglio – the hope or gravedigger of Congo?

1 year ago

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The invalid Pope Francis visited Congo from 31 January to 3 February. The clergy and the suffering people of Congo welcomed him with great enthusiasm. Everyone received his words with an open heart, as he truthfully expressed the suffering of the Congolese people. He even boldly pointed to the behind-the-scenes cause of this suffering, namely supranational organizations that will stop at nothing – not even bloodshed – in pursuit of profit. The war in Congo has been going on for 60 years and claimed 12 million lives. Congo is rich in high-tech minerals, such as coltan – 80% of the world’s production, cobalt, lithium and many others that are essential for e.g. mobile phones.
About 50% of the country’s population is Catholic. The Catholic Church also manages about 50% of healthcare facilities. 7 million pupils are taught in Catholic schools. So Congo is a country where faith is still alive, unlike a dying Europe and a moribund America.
In an encounter with Francis, deeply moving scenes of the victims of violence touched the heart. There were people who had their arms cut off; others laid at his feet the instruments of torture, such as saws, machetes, knives or axes. There were orphan children who had witnessed a violent death of their parents and then lived in hiding in the forests for fear of their lives. They knelt before Francis, who laid his hands upon them. All of them regarded Francis as the greatest saviour, the true Vicar of Jesus Christ.
The Cardinal of Congo also mentioned the country’s upcoming elections. Will the winners of the elections defend the interests of the Congolese people or will they act in the interests of the elites that manipulate elections worldwide?
However, the appalling fact remains, even though the people of the Congo are unable to perceive it in their euphoria, that Francis is no vicar of Jesus Christ. He is a supporter of the elites that are responsible for the suffering of the Congo.
During Francis’ visit, there was also talk about the synodal journey and about the fact that it fully concerns Africa too, but basically the people do not know that its essence is the Church’s legalization of sodomy and LGBTQ perversion.
Francis could not yet say here what he had declared a few days before in the world media, where he openly said that all Catholic bishops had to go through a conversion to welcome LGBTQ people into the Church. But this is about renouncing God and His commandments and accepting sodomy, which God warns against by speaking about a curse and fire from heaven (Jud 1:7; 2Pe 2:6).
Let us get back to the facts about who is Francis Bergoglio. He is a fanatical promoter of experimental mRNA vaccination, regardless of the disastrous consequences it has brought and will bring. He was in opposition to the real experts, who warned against it, by using demagogic slogans: “Vaccines for all... It must be done; it’s an act of love... Anyone who refuses it commits a sin.”
Bergoglio is just as fanatical about promoting experimental vaccination, as he is about promoting a return to paganism, which offers sacrifices to Satan and demons. Africa suffered under cruel paganism throughout its existence until the Christian mission brought the light of Christ’s Gospel. Bergoglio demonstrated the stage of the synodal journey legalizing idolatry through his consecration to the devil by a shaman in Canada. After this public consecration and the following interview with the world media on 24 January 2023, where he revealed the true face of the synodal journey connected with the legalization of LGBTQ, Bergoglio needed to improve his image.
What psychological manoeuvre did Bergoglio perform? The Catholic Church in Africa is orthodox-minded, and with orthodoxy comes the rejection of LGBTQ legalization. The faithful would not allow the bishops to welcome LGBTQ people into the Church, as Bergoglio and his synodal agenda demand of them. Africa would become a precedent for radically rejecting the synodal journey with its LGBTQ legalization. It would be able to take the first step to save the whole Church by separating from the false Pope. Moreover, Christianity in Africa is confronted with Islam, which imposes the most severe punishments for sodomy. LGBTQ legalization would make Catholics look like infidel perverts.
Therefore, Bergoglio knew that if he was to achieve his goal, he first had to win the hearts of Africans, especially the Catholic Congo. Only in the next phase will he stab them in the back. So he will not just rob them of earthly riches, as the elites do with whom he is in union, but he will also rob them of spiritual riches, that is, of eternal life.
At the Youth Synod in Rome in 2018, Bergoglio was pushing for the LGBT ideology, without the Q in those days. The bishops of Africa clearly stated that they could not sign such documents, because after returning to Africa, the people would boo them off their residences.
Thus, Bergoglio has adopted the tactic – as he has demonstrated in the Congo – of a mere speechifying advocate for the suffering to manipulate the masses. He will not lift a finger to help them, because he is in alliance with the elites and promotes their depopulation agenda. The suffering Congolese people trust him to the death, and see him as their saviour. In this situation, if any bishop in the Congo opposed Francis and told the truth about who he is and what his aim is, no one would believe him.
The separation of Africa would open the eyes of America and Europe, which would result in a continental separation from the suicidal synodal journey and from its architect, the invalid Pope Bergoglio. This would start true restoration of the Church. In this historic moment, when it comes to saving the Church and humanity, let us unite in prayer daily from 8 to 9 p.m., and let us not forget to pray the Rosary. May the Mother of God obtain the grace to save not only Africa, but all the continents from self-destruction!

Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate – the voice of one crying in the wilderness

3 February 2023

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