1 year ago


Rep Nancy Tate,

When one reads the Constitution, and in particular, the first ten amendments, our Bill of Rights, which by strange coincidence have the exact same enumeration as Ten Commandments, which cannot be taken away from, nor added to, as if "Written in Stone," just like the Ten Commandments, one will notice a peculiar grammar in the tenth amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

"...States respectively "," or to the people." creates what is called a prepositional clause phrase, describing the respective states as the people of said respective states. Without the comma, it becomes one or the other, not both. With the comma, the states and the people are one and the same. This is very important, this placing of a comma. We The People have a right to propose and amendment/s to "Our" Constitution. As the state, under the name of the state, We the People propose this, these amendments to our constitution. This is what COS fails to articulate, because I believe their end goal is not to get the job done, but has become more of a self existing, self justifying, organization, much the way labor unions, and even the NRA have become. I fear that COS is not interested in "Killing the Job." I fear they seek to position themselves as government watchdogs, forever drawing donations, forever seeking a new issue to justify their existence.

Imagine you, in your current position, becoming the real governmental power broker. Imagine you, in your current position, no longer being help hostage by, nor having to placate a political party, in a desperate effort to get to DC, and make a real difference. Imagine each states' legislatures, once again having the oversight power they once held, the power of the purse.

There was a time when going to DC was an honor which few held, with a mandate from The People of Their State, to dictate to the federal government, the wishes of We The People, of each of the several states. There was a time when it was the States' Legislators, and the States' Governors, who told the federal government what it was to do, and how much money it had to do it with. There was a time when the federal government was beholden to the states, the people.

Imagine not having to worry about trying to raise $108M for a senate or house campaign, relying upon, and bowing down to a political party, capitulating to things you truly don't ascribe to, but must if you need the "Party's" help to get there. Imagine not having to give up a single bit of you, and your convictions, trying to do good. Imagine that you're already where the real power is. Imagine that you have already fought, and won the most intense political campaign of your career, your desire to serve the people of your state. Imagine that members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate, are once again returned to the task they once held, being the message lackeys of the states, telling the executive branch what the people, We The People, desire of our federal government.

Imagine already being in the one of the most important, and influential positions you could have. Imagine not having to run for office in DC, only in your district.

That is the true power of a convention. To return the republic to the people, the states. From the people, to the states, to the federal government. That's a Republic. From the People, To the States, to the Federal Government, Of The People, By The People, FOR The People.


Respectfully yours,


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