V399 The Purpose of Life & the Doctrine of Imputation: Life and Death (20230205)

2 years ago

V399 The Purpose of Life & the Doctrine of Imputation: Life and Death (20230205)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230205,html
Duration: 1 hour 18 minuites

"Shabbat Shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and welcome back! Today we are taking another short break from our Book of Revelation Bible Course not so much by choice but by divine instruction. So let me first give you some background to what I propose to do today.

From Justification to Imputation
For the last week I have felt strongly led to finally complete the leader article on the key New Testament doctrine of Justification on our website which I did after a three year hiatus (gap). As a quick reminder, the word 'justification' (or 'righteousness') is synonymous with 'reconciliation' (Rom.3:23ff.; 5:11,15-21; 2 Cor.5:19), its ground is the grace or undeserved loving kindness of Elohim (God) (Rom.3:23ff.; 14:4; 5:6,8,21; 6:23; cp. Heb.2:9), its means Yah'shua's (Jesus') vicarious or proxy atoning death on the cross (Rom.3:24ff.; 5:9; 2 Cor.5:14; cp. Heb.9:12, etc.), and its only condition is faith sealed by full immersion baptism, both of which imply repentance (Rom.6:3ff., 21; 1 Cor.6:11; Gal.3:26ff., etc.). Note that Christ did not make Himself a substitute from the outside of humanity, but from within by means of incarnation, rendered obedience, and thereby rendered us an ethical justification (Rom.5:15,20). That's Justification in a nutshell..."

Imputation: www.nccg.org/imputation.html
Justification: www.nccg.org/justification.html
Sanctification: www.nccg.org/sanctification.html
Righteousness: www.nccg.org/righteousness.html
Salvation: www.nccg.org/salvation.html
Torah: www.nccg.org/NCtorah.html
Truth: www.nccg.org/truth.html
Faith: www.nccg.org/faith.html
Resurrection: www.nccg.org/resurrection.html
Atheism: www.nccg.org/atheism.html
Repentance: www.nccg.org/repentance.html
Deliverance: www.nccg.org/deliverance/index.html
Crucifixion: www.nccg.org/cross.html
Prayer; www.nccg.org/prayer.html
Heaven: www.nccg.org/garden.html
Hell: www.nccg.org/hell.html

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