Everyday Bible Promises for Women Day 205, Barbour Publishing, Inc. Read by Bennett Avenue Boutique

2 years ago

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About Bennett Avenue Boutique:
Our commitment is God FIRST in all we do and provide. We praise God with sharing his prayers and scripture. Having a strong relationship with the Father is key to everything and anything we do in Life.

We are a Boutique that combines a place of both PEACE where you can come pray with us and an UPLIFTING place to shop for Spiritual Revival for your everyday life.

All products that we offer are Good for the Body & Soul. This includes the clothing, jewelry, accessories and all the quality, messaging and comfort that goes with them. Mixologie fragrance's that include all AMAZING ingredients that are great for your skin that will have a healthy impact on all your personal care needs. Also, the coffee's by Coffee Over Cardio that offer simple ingredients that come from the South American countries through direct trade with farms that are Vegan friendly, favored with extracts (like vanilla and almond extract) and no harsh additives making it one of the best choice to choose to indulge in a FABULOUS cup of coffee.

We only offer products that BOOST the QUALITY of your LIFE inside and out!

Let's join together on social media, email and come see us at the local craft shows in the Houston and surrounding areas.

Know Follow and Share Jesus with us | PROMOTE GOD'S LOVE and FEEL GOOD EVERYDAY!

God is Good | God is Good Indeed!

Shop Now: www.bennettavenueboutique.com

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