"Sister Souljah: From Activist to Best-Selling Author - The Inspiring Journey of a Powerful Voice"

2 years ago

"Sister Souljah: From Activist to Best-Selling Author - The Inspiring Journey of a Powerful Voice"

Sister Souljah is an American author and political activist from the Bronx, New York. She earned a degree in American History and African Studies from Rutgers University and also attended the Cornell University Advanced Placement Study Program. She traveled throughout Europe and worked to build a medical center in Zimbabwe and with refugee children from Mozambique. As a student activist, she created the African Youth Survival Camp and organized against racially motivated crimes and police brutality. She was the Executive Director of Sean "Diddy" Combs' charitable organization, Daddy's House Social Programs, for seven years. She is the author of 5 national best-selling books, including "The Coldest Winter Ever" and "Midnight, A Gangster Love Story." She has appeared on Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live, and the cover of Newsweek magazine. Her mission is to work with and alongside anyone who adds to the good in the world.

#SisterSouljah #Author #Activist #BronxBorn #RutgersUniversityGraduate #CornellUniversity #InternationalStudentActivist #AntiApartheidMovement #AfricanYouthSurvivalCamp #CommunityActivist #Daddy'sHouseSocialPrograms #Entertainment #HipHopArtist #360DegreesOfPower #NewYorkTimesBestSeller #TheColdestWinterEver #MidnightAGangsterLoveStory #AWE #InfluentialWoman #AddingToTheGood #Persistent #Mantra

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