Arabs 1400 Years Brutal Black Slavery

1 year ago

Do Arabs who still buy black slaves today like they have for the last 1400 years owe blacks freedom and reparations? And what about the 140+ countries out of almost 200 countries on earth who are still practicing slavery today. It's a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Just go to the websites that monitor slavery around the world and study. When will they all be freed and paid reparations? Is the white race the ONLY race on earth responsible for slavery and reparations? We all know the answer to this.


*The Hadiths by prophet Muhammad*
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith - 38
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Allah created Adam when He had to create
him and He struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it *WHITE offspring* as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it the *BLACK offspring* as if they were charcoal. He then said (to those who had been emitted) from the right (shoulder): *For Paradise and I do not mind.* Then He said to those (who had
been emitted) from his left shoulder: *They are for Hell and I do not mind.*
*So Allah made WHITES for Paradise, and BLACKS for Hell according to Allah's Messenger the Prophet Muhammad* (Peace be Upon Him)
Can Louis Farrakhan & the millions of Black Muslims be more stupid. let them all go live in any Arab country and see how much LOVE they receive from Arabs compared to white men. lets see if Arabs will elect blacks are rulers over them like white people did by voting for Obama, who had a racist black father wanting to MARK the slave masters women with mongrel Mulatto babies and a trashy trashy white mother who cares NOTHING for "little black men" and who herself had more black men on top of her at 16 years old than most women do in a life time.

Hadith: Ishaq:243 "I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at
Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"
A black man, must mean ANY black man, since Gabriel gave Muhammad no specific names.

Muslim Arab and Persian literature depicts Blacks as "stupid, untruthful, vicious,
sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry and easily affected by music and drink.”
Nasir al-Din Tusi, a famous Muslim scholar said of Blacks:
*"The ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro.”*

Ibn Khaldun, an early Muslim thinker, writes that *Blacks are the "only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings."*

Ibn Sina (Avicenna 980–1037), Arab’s most famous and influential philosopher/scientist in Islam, described Blacks as “people who are by their very nature slaves.” He wrote:
*“All African women are prostitutes,* and the whole race of African men are abeed (slave) stock.” *He equated Black people with “rats plaguing the earth.”* Ibn Khaldum,

an Arab historian stated that *“Blacks are characterized by levity and excitability
and great emotionalism,” adding that “they are every where described as stupid.”*

al-Dimashqi, an Arab pseudo scientist wrote, “the Equator is inhabited by communities
of *blacks who may be numbered among the savage beasts.* Their complexion and hair are burnt and *they are physically and morally abnormal.*

Other Arab/Indian/Iranian writers Ibn Battuta

"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that *"there is no marriage among
them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people* -- but God knows best.

As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little
understanding or ntelligence."

Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"The geographer al-Idrisi ascribes *'lack of knowledge and defective minds' to the
black peoples.* Their ignorance, he says, is notorious; men of learning and distinction are almost unknown among them, and their kings only acquire what they know about government and justice from the instruction of learned visitors from farther north."

Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men and the most
vicious of creatures in character and temperament."

Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards
of humanity" *"Their nature is that of wild animals."*

Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"We know that the Zanj *(blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of
mankind,* and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions.

Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
"They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times --
even *the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches."*

Ibn Battuta, 14th century, writing about Mali
About the Zanj: *"Their nature is that of wild animals.* They are extremely black."
About the Sudan: "Among themselves there are people who steal each other's children
and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."

Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331
*"Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because Negroes
have little that is essentially human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated."*

Ibn Battuta, 14th century
"beyond known peoples of black West Africa to the south there is no civilization in
the proper sense. *There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."*

Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah
"There came to sultan Mansa Sulaiman (of the Mali empire) *a group of these blacks who
eat human beings* accompanied by one of their amirs."

Ibn Battuta, 14th century
*"The Zanj are slight-witted (_kam 'aql_), and God, most high, has created them
stupid, ignorant, and foul (_palid_)."*

After the Arabs had conquered Egypt and shortly after Muhammad’s death, they began
demanding Nubian slaves from the south. This continued for 600 years. Dominated African kingdoms were forced to send on a regular basis, tributes of slaves to the Arab ruler in Cairo. From as early as the 6th century CE, they had developed slavery supply networks out of Africa, from the Sahara to the Red Sea and from Ethiopia, Somalia and East Africa, to feed demands for slaves all over the Islamic world and the Indian Ocean region. The African male slaves were castrated and used as domestic
servants or to work the Sahara salt deposits or on farms all over the Islamic world.

The African female servants were continuously raped before being sold to households to
be used as sex labour. Offsprings from the illicit encounters were largely destroyed as unworthy to live. Between 650 CE and 1905 CE, over *20 million* African slaves had been delivered through the Tans-Sahara route alone to the Islamic world. Dr. John Alembellah Azumah in his book: The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa estimates that over *80 million* more died en-route. A text from Dr. Azumah books, provides this quote from a Zanzibar observer about the travails of African slaves en-route to slave markets around the Arabic world.

*Dr. Azumah in his book: The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa provides several examples
of Islam’s hatred of Blacks.*

(The East African Slave Trade)
The East African slave trade was well established before the Europeans arrived on the
For more study on Arab slavery of blacks.

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