China Runs US, Screenplay Rough Draft February 4, 2023

2 years ago

Has the DoD worked for China? Has the DoD had a Federal Reserve Printing Press in China from the 1913 Federal Reserve Act? Are there Ancient Native American drawings of using Whale Brains to move large rocks under Westover AFB? Were DoD Monsanto Chemists taking their own LSD making up there are cave drawings. Screenplay bidding: Rumble doesn't show actual views. I have a video here w/ a black cat thumbnail. It showed 10 views. There were 37 mostly positive up/down votes.

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos:

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