2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 02/04/23

Unedited notes:

The Book of Colossians Verses 13 & 14 …..

VERSE 13, 14 (“Giving thanks unto the Father….) Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:…In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:…”

The Spirit of God depicts the New Testament redeemed in Christ as having been put into special state and place above this World. It is a position we redeemed are to endeavor to hold. As opposed to being in a state and place that we must press to get out of to gain higher ground.
In a couple places Scripturally this position of the redeemed being translated “into the kingdom of his dear Son..” is depicted as having the position and title of ‘servant’…(redeemed) who’s master has gone into a far country, who called his servants, and delivered unto them his goods to be good stewards over for which they will be rewarded (make them rulers or much as they entered the joy/glory of the Lord) or as in the case of some who were not faithful servants (being merely redeemed was declared unprofitable), who minimized his stewardship and justified his actions, was declared wicked, cast out into outer darkness, excluded from the kingdom of heaven. (matt25:14-30).

From another Old Testament view…this Passage alludes to God (the Father) Who had extended His strong Arm (His Son) of redemption to bring Israel out from the power of the Pharaoh by the blood of the Passover lamb and delivered them out of Egypt through the waters of ‘death and resurrection’… forgiving their sin and raising them up positionally in the calling of a peculiar people a royal people kings and priests in the Promised Land …albeit they first needs pass faithfully through the wilderness.
All typical of the greater Redemption wrought by the Father for all mankind over the power of darkness by the Blood and Resurrection Atonement of His Son declaring them a peculiar people and calling them unto the heavenly Kingdom.

And by extending faith, of a vicarious kind in Jesus, the Christ of the Father, anyone may be spiritually incorporated into His Son’s eternal ‘Body.’ Being then, by the sovereign power of the Father, translated out of the kingdom of satan of this Earth’s World into the Realm of Heaven, positionally speaking, as a member of His Body to be spiritually where the ‘Head’ Resurrected out from among the dead now resides.

Scripture tells us all the redeemed names are written in the Lambs Book of life and receive the gift of eternal life. But with the redeeming (as typically seen with Israel) comes the further calling unto worthiness of the ‘first born’ blessing in order to inherit in Christ’s coming Kingdom (phil4:3 with Hebs 12:23).
It is in the attainment of that calling to co-rule in Christ’s Kingdom that will manifest at His coming again into this Realm from Heaven…It will be the end of 2000 years of redemptions ‘positional’ calling purpose; the Father will have attained is Bride for His Son. The Dispensation closes as Christ declares who of out of the redeemed will have attained by faithfulness the reward of resurrection glory as a ‘frist-born’ son of the Father.

It is to the possibility of gaining or losing of this reward; of the hope of glory in Christ’s coming Kingdom, that Paul writes to the Colossians (rev3:4;22:19)

But Christ’s Kingdom with His overcoming co-rulers does not begin until satan’s kingdom is finished and thrown down.
This is typed in Scripture as the Kingdom of David did not begin until Saul’s was finished. And it was only after David had suffered, and after his valiant men had shared in his sufferings, that he ascended the throne, that they were able to share in his is glorious kingdom ruling.

That satan is the power of darkness and has an unseen kingdom and is the god over this World is seen in Scripture (matt12:26;rev13:2). He is the evil spirit working in the disobedient (eph2:2) as the Holy Spirit is working in the obedient.

Scripture says satan has cast a ‘veil’ over the eyes and heart of those who refuse to believe the glorious light of the Gospel.
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2cor4:4).
It should be understood that the ‘Gospel’ to which the Holy Spirit speaks of here is not just the gospel of redemption in Christ but the gospel of glory in Christ to be attained after redemption, which is the context of the Passage just read refers too. The context is satan was/has darkened the minds of the ‘saved’ leaders of Israel lest they come into the revelation of their inheritance ‘in Christ’ their Messiah. And this blinding of satan has a further application to the New Man in Christ who refuses to believe in the gospel of reward to the overcomer----

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