Some Serious Thoughts On The Trinity

2 years ago

And On Creation

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) step out of the world of current events and back into some classic theology: The Trinity. Dan has an analogy that might help people understand and appreciate the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit a little better.

In current events, Pope Francis wants gay to be okay. Tim Gordon is canceled. Iran has nuke capabilities. South Africa to send Cheetahs to India. Avalanche in Japan. Biden & Illinois to end Covid emergency. Sichuan to end 3 child policy. Pope Francis to go to the Congo. Baker still in trouble for refusing cakes. Elon to create Twitter Pay. Trumps distances himself from trannies. Canadian Catholic school suspends student. Nigerians go to Mass. Pope Francis launches ecological conversion education center. RINO Kevin McCarthy defending Michael Byrd for the murder of Ashli Babbitt. Priest is healed from Tumor.

In the land of nonsense, Dodo bird come-back. Barbies with disabilities. Whisky improves skin. Blood popsicles for animals.

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