'SARS-CoV-2' "They Didn't Isolate 'Covid' Or Find The Genome" Dr. 'Lee Merritt' Dr. 'Poornima Wagh'

2 years ago

AndreCorbeil: https://rumble.com/user/AndreCorbeil

'SARS-CoV-2' "They Didn't Isolate 'Covid-19' Or Find The Genome" Dr. Lee Merritt' & Dr. ''Poornima Wagh' - It's All Junk Science
February 2, 2023 'Covid 19' Medical & Geopolitical News. Andre Corbeil.

Whilstleblower Dr. 'Poornima Wagh' has two PhDs in Virology and Immunology, and a 20 year career as a Lab researcher and Scientist. In this interview, she describes the methods used by virologists and their futile efforts to isolate viruses. "They found the same things we did. They didn't find SARS-CoV-2, they didn't find the genome, they didn't find anything. Nothing was found."

#SARSCoV2 #DrLeeMerritt #DrPoornimaWagh #VaccineMandates #informedconsent #crimesagainsthumanity #nurembergcode #vaccineinjuries #trojanhorse #greatreset #buildbackbetter #nurembergtrialsforcovid #4thIndustrialRevolution #vaccineinjuries #covid19 #plandemic #covid1984 #adversereactions #FDA #EUA #WHO #CDC #VaccineVictims #ANTHONYFAUCI #mrnavaccines #Mrna #DIEDSUDDENLY #diedunexpectedly #nopandemicamnesty #shortillness #stoptheshot #mysteriousdeaths #billgates #worldeconomicforum #rochellewalensky #billgates

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