Health Alkemy Community Dinner and Winter / Post Holiday Cleanse Pearls and Deep Q and A Feb 3, 2023

2 years ago

My Day 12 of 21 - and at a local Health Food Store Outdoor Deli with excellent seating and space

I spend some time defining another way of seeing "cleansing." What is your ROI on your meal or food? Do you feel better after you eat?

Deep answers on secrets of use of fats, cholesterol and protein rich foods. Compared to low cholesterol, protein and low fat diets - or just polyunsaturated oils.

Leaky gut, leaky blood brain barrier, and and leaky cell membranes all go together.

The secrets of Immunity revealed - this talk is loaded. But raw not edited.

Hormone discussion - what they are and how powerful they are

Deep connections discussed to blood sugar, digestion tips and discussion, microbial excrement...microbes control us to some degree, though few know this

Metabolic types discussed

Craig's favorite easy to use greens and best nutrition...

Egg yolk spike protein question with theories and discussion - deep insights into what our dietary protein is made into - inside our bodies

The tests of initiations into higher realms - one fictional story of a test of whether someone is animal or human...check it out, towards the end of the talk

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