Dan McLaughlin talks about Ron DeSantis & the 5 categories of Policy Exp that make a great President

2 years ago

We love having Dan McLaughlin on the Break It Down Show with Pete A Turner. Dan is a leading writer for the National Review. His latest piece talks about Florida Governor and a possible 2024 US Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis. DeSantis is a polarizing figure, but Dan, as always, applies a rational weight to current events.

Dan things 5 categories indicate a solid presidential experience. The three presidents that have checked all the blocks are George Washington, Andrew Jackson and George Bush the Elder. Ron DeSantis seems to have about 4 of the blocks checked. Conversely, President Obama didn't have any of the blocks checked and is widely considered an excellent President.

Here's Dan's piece in the National Review. nationalreview.com/magazine/2023/02/20/the-world-and-ron-desantis

Whether it's DeSantis' approach to COVID, foreign policy or education in Florida, people have strong opinions. We'll sort through that pile of topics in this episode.

Because MLB spring training games are about to start, we'll also cover baseball, since Pete and Dan are experts on the topic.

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