2 years ago

Brilliant expose of faking feelings that do not exist, where many of these actors appear to be illegal migrants who are glad to play along for cash and benefits. This is the same guy who did the sensational "Harrison Hanks" crisis actor for all seasons video. Notice how they all have framed studio-quality photos of their kids at hand immediately and use them in these staged interviews. What I found to be more than a little disturbing was his conversation with someone who is supposed to be a police officer of considerable experience, who made a lot of false claims about crime scenes and who calls parties dead or alive, the presence of hearses on the scene, and other rubbish. I was relieved when, toward the end, he explained that he wasn't buying it. Comparisons of crisis actors from Sandy Hook and Orlando were especially effective as were contrasts between real grief and feigned. This is excellent and deserves widespread dissemination. Use this with my and Brian Davidson's LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE FLAG / STAGED EVENT CHECKLIST and avoid being played. https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/06/law-enforcement-false-flag-staged-event-checklist/

Jim Fetzer

More videos that will make you shake your head:

No obituaries for any of the alleged Uvalde shooting victims. How can that be?


Not one of the Uvalde school shooting children have any record of ever being born.


Mirrored https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f/Uvalde-Shooting-HOAX-2022-Documentary:1


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