Destiny 2 Legend Lost Sector: Europa - Perdition on my Hunter 2-5-23

2 years ago

This is today's Lost Sector that I recorded on 1-25-23. There are 11 Lost Sectors featured for #19 Season of the Seraph. This is 7 of 11. Today's Exotic reward will be for the Head Slot if done Solo.
Recommended Power Level - Legend 1580, Master 1610
Champions: Barrier & Overload
Burn: Arc
Shields: Arc, Void
Modifier 1: Shocker (When defeated, Goblins spawn Arc pools that cause damage over time.)
Modifier 2: Famine (All ammunition drops are significantly reduced.)
Kinetic: Osteo Striga (Exotic SMG)
Energy: Wolftone Draw (Arc Bow)
Heavy: Taipan-4FR (Void Linear Fusion)
IF Solo, Exotic: Leg Armor (Legend-Rare, Master-Common)

DIM Loadout: Hunter -

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