Tactics Ogre (Without Jonus) 7B: Rescuing Hobyrim

2 years ago

So, our first time through, we totally forgot about getting Harborym. Very sad. We're going to fully embrace no one (except Mirdyn) stays as what they started as from here on out. We're slowly pairing down our roster, including removing our fairy and lizardman and most of our starter generics.

So, our current roster includes: Denam (Rune Fencer), Mirdyn (Fist White Knight), Voltare (Axe and Crossbow Warrior), Chamos (Spear Rune Fencer), Sara (Bow Valkyrie), Sisteena (Swordmaster), Canopus (Wizard), Dievold (Wizard), Oelias (Beast Tamer), Random Flying Cleric to help with Exorcisms until we finish Nybeth in 3N, Bayin (Dagger/Blow Gun Ninja), Phaestra (Double Ninja Sword melee Ninja), Arcyelle (Sword and Crossbow Dragoon), Hobyrim (Dagger and Bow Archer), Tamuz (Greataxe Berserker), Presence (Greatsword Terror Knight), Folcurt (Cleric, but gains all levels as Knight).

Not much fancy with this video, just rescuing Harborym, or however it's spelled now, and getting the 3N generics to replace our existing team.

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