Potential Role of Magnesium for Long COVID and Vaccine Injury

1 year ago

Feb 03, 2023
Source: www.odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Potential-Role-of-Magnesium-for-Long-COVID-and-Vaccine-Injury:9

Magnesium is an essential mineral/nutrient required for more than 600 enzymatic actions in our body. Magnesium levels are also tied closely with the activation of vitamin D. Magnesium is involved in smooth muscle relaxation, neuroprotection, innate arm modulation, gut microbiome modulation, and much more. Let's look at the role of magnesium and importance of its adequate levels in our body.

DrBeen: Medical Education Online

FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

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