DR. ASTRID STUCKELBERGER,W.H.O. Insider w Dr. Jane Ruby exposing Dr. Cole as Controlled Opposition

2 years ago

This is vital information with a former insider of the World Health Organization Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who was stopped from continuing her presentation at a Freedom Health Conference in Stockholm. Dr. Ryan Cole jumps up on the stage and stops her presentation insulting her expertese. Is the content of the covid shots biological ? They are not biological materials, there is graphene oxide, and synthetic lipid nano-tech and particles.Wifi is embedded, that has been detected from the burried dead in cemetaries. Some vials do have microchips, not debate. Dr. Cole embarrasses himself as you will see. She is attemping to show Earthliings that the W.H.O. is well on its way to subverting the Constitutions of the world. Sweden is already cashless and totaly obeying the tryanny, she reports. We know that the H.H.S is totally working for the W.H.O. and pushing the global pandemic treaty that will take over the United States Constitution and our sovereignty. To monitor every move we make and our body functions. Please watch this carefully, even twice for it to sink in folks. We MUST stop this now. Please demand at your local death-site- pharmacies they STOP the Covid 19 injections that are murdering millions. Right this second someone is dying a horrible death from the injections. Do not go along to get along. Turn off all mainstream media, USE CASH not ATM cards. Pretend we only have cash, budget with cash folks please. This is real, this is scary, this we must stop. This is mass genocide- Bill Gates is one of the main criminals. Someone please arrest the man for crimes against humanity.

If you may be able to donate a 'Bit' of Bitcoin to help fund my research time to bring you this important information it is much appreciated here is my new Bitcoin address: bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad

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