Put that Kant in the Can (Honing Craft 2)

2 years ago

12 Acts to Make Heaven on Earth Today
→Do not speak, think or do evil.
→Choose creative joy and wonder over guile and avarice.
→Protect innocence.
→Do right away what you know how to do. Then enjoy exploring the unknown.
→Note you have all you need right now; and decide this will never change because this is a truth of your spirit.
→See all that was lost is found.
→See you always have the right tools; because they are joined to your spirit.
→Decide to be awakened in the dream of existence.
→Decide dead loved ones exist on another plane and are entangled with us.
→See your healthy weirdness as a unique spiritual scaffolding which is the foundation of your higher-self.
→Treat any setback or obstacle as moving you towards a more divine manifestation of your greater calling than you can yet cognate.

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