Special Announcement from United Nations

1 year ago

Special Announcement from UN Globalists Governance

Today is Anniversary of UNDRIP 2021

Today 2025 UNDRIP has become the essential foundation of governance which has guaranteed the successful transition from liberty and self determination to enslavement!

The slow gradually indoctrination has allowed you to abondon your freedom. We thank you for efforts. The removal of your Property Rights that ensured US the control over all the resources and established the starvation program that was essential for the depopulation program!

All these were accomplished by you being complacent and distracted that ensured we on the UN Council would be the ruling class for generations to come!

Propaganda ( I mean News)

Good Evening my Slaves. We have some important information you MUST OBEY!!!!.

We have some rogue individuals who are promoting freedom and liberty! We have had reports they are critical thinkers, highly intelligent sovereigns holding private meetings underground where our surveillance security systems are being compromised promoting these conspiracies! These are very dangerous ideologies and must be crushed if we want to maintain our current system of slavery?

This is crucial to our very existence and we require your assistance in this Highly important MATTER. We will be offering a reward package for any information to help us in our unlawful capture of these individual who are promoting freedom and liberty!!!

Reward packages as follows:

Your slave rations of crickets and other assorted insects will be doubled. There will further rewards for anyone who wants to be employed in the (RAT Program)

- You will be given more water rights per day
- Reduced slave employment
- 16 hours day will be reduced to 15 hours per day.
- You will be entitled to one visit every month to enter the Globalists Sustainable park in your District from your restricted access to the parks of one visit every 3 months of 30 minutes.

- Food and rations and many more privileges will be rewarded for being a part of the (RAT Program) !

We congratulate any and all slaves who have committed themselves to this endeavor to stop liberty!

These Unalienable rights MUST not be tolerated.

It is you that have committed to ensuring tyranny will survive!
The survival of our UN Mandate of slavery is 100 percent enforced by your commitment to be enslaved!

We are all doing are part to maintain this UNLAWFUL system!
We Thank you for supporting our UN Agenda without you none of this could happen!

Thank you

With your commitment we will ensure 2026 UNDRIP will be as successful as we move to our Sustainable UNDRIP plan of 2030. Things are all falling right in plan with our goals of mass Genocide! We at the UN Council had a Plan, we were Committed, organized and you were all disorganized !

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