Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones - Bass Cover | G&L L-2500 bass

2 years ago

This one hit wonder from 1991 was inspired by the fall of the Berlin wall and collapse of the Soviet Union. I hope this song experiences a rebirth soon for a very similar reason!

The bass line, aside from a short pre-chorus section, is the same measure repeated throughout the song. But it's a tricky rhythm. I can't imagine playing it while jumping around like the band does in their music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MznHdJReoeo

There are 2 low "D"s played in this song, perfectly suited for a 5-string bass. I recorded this using a 2021 G&L L-2500 bass guitar into a Fender Rumble Stage 800 amp. I recorded the audio from the amp's DI direct to GarageBand and synced the video from a iPhone 12 Pro Max forward facing camera.

My gear: https://mcbass.band/gear/
My scheduled performances: https://mcbass.band/performances/
Retroflection: https://retroflection.band

#basscover #jesusjones #onehitwonders #righthererightnow #90s #gandlguitars

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