Evil is done by normal people...

2 years ago

Every area of society has been infiltrated by a dark agenda to enslave all of humanity. These videos show how the Nazi regime was supported by everyday, normal people. And how the people just went along with the atrocities committed on the jewish people. We can draw comparisons today with how people who disagreed with the forced injections were treated. Anybody who tried to resist or stand against their businesses being shut down, or forced isolation, were tormented just like the jews were. It`s frightening that today this new world agenda seems to be in control of all main stream media, all universities , all churches, all workplaces, all schools, etc..etc...The problem is the people who have been jabbed are changing, they`re becoming docile and obedient. We must resist any more jabs, and resist the digital ID and currency. Revelations 13: 16-18 is coming to pass, and only the people who invited the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts will be able to stand. Just observe what has happened to the world over the last 3 years, can`t you see history is repeating itself, except this time it`s on a global scale.

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