Burping Compilation February 2023 #1 | RBC

2 years ago

Opening&Ending music: https://youtu.be/GNVQSwQoDk4
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphaparola/
Quem quiser, ajude o meu canal/Who wants, help my channel:
Doar/Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D5U7PP9SDT7ZG
Doar via PIX: 2e839dd1-1f54-4d7f-8017-bdaee664963b
Valeu Demais/Super Thanks: https://youtu.be/LPWJKw5A0QA

PORT: Apresentando pra vocês, a "Burping Compilation February 2023 #1".
Primeira compilação de fevereiro, com a nova abertura, e com novo final, agora com telas finais e os doadores estarão nos créditos após a lista das garotas que participaram do vídeo.
Sobre o vídeo, sim, a compilação ficou curta, mas bem legal, com arrotos muito bons como sempre.
Sobre a abertura, como eu disse, eu usei o remix da TaFeiFei, e um trecho do vídeo da comp que eu fiz da Alinity ao fundo.
Enfim, espero que vocês gostem. :)
ENGL: Introducing to you, the "Burping Compilation February 2023 #1".
First February compilation, with the new opening, and with a new ending, now with final screens and the donators will be in the credits after the list of girls who participated in the video.
About the video, yes, the compilation was short, but very cool, with very good burps as always.
About the opening, as I said, I used TaFeiFei's remix, and a snippet from the comp video I made of Alinity in the background.
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

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