A spy BALLOON?? Really? No big deal. Muh CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS: Super Serious National Security!

2 years ago

I can remember when this country was actually serious and respected by the world. Now? I get the feeling that we're being laughed at by pretty much everyone. Our enemies don't even bother trying to do REAL espionage with keyhole sats/spy planes. They just float a balloon over our country, have a good laugh and MAYBE take some pictures or whatever. OH, but, the CLASSIFERED DERKUMENTS! THAT'S Super-Serious right?? Lol... Cl0wn wErld, for real...

My name is Jed Hutcheson and I'm 40 years old. I've always loved video editing, travel and exploring abandoned places. Also, I've always been a fan of the STRANGE, DARK and MYSTERIOUS. Now I'm combining all of that and taking you with me; hoping, one day, to make a living doing something that I love. I'm also learning how to do the whole "farming thing"... of which, I have VERY little knowledge. Read: None. If you like backpacking, hiking, mountains, Randonautica, the dark unknown, or watching some city dude try to learn how to do farm things... you might want to subscribe. I do all the things. Even if I make little to no money doing this, I'll still do it. It's what I like to do. Go play outside.

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