🎯 Feds Have Been Subsidizing Child Trafficking in All 50 States Thanks to the “Adoption and Safe Families Act” ~ FULL Documentary Link Below 👇

2 years ago

Full Documentary: https://rumble.com/v1leopf-save-the-babies-a-documentary-on-cps-child-trafficking.html
The US government has been subsidizing child trafficking in all 50 states. This is thanks to the “Adoption and Safe Families Act,” signed into law in 1997 by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Over $80 billion a year is being spent by the Federal Government for this program to give states over one million dollars for every child they seize from a family. The government itself admits that 83% of the children seized are done so under false pretenses. It also now turns out they have been using fake drug tests to make it seem parents were “drug addicts” who had to have their children seized. The torture and murder of these children (to harvest adrenochrome) was video-taped and used to create a massive blackmail file of power brokers in the West. There was also a massive homosexual rape and blackmail ring that existed alongside the child murders.
Child/Human Trafficking/CPS Corruption/Kidnapping and More: https://rumble.com/v1pj1y5-pelosi-pedophilia-and-the-dead-cps-children-near-bohemian-grove.html
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