1 year ago

Fit2Fight4Christ Mentorship-Lighthouse Ministries presents;

“To be a man, you have to be fearless”

Key Scriptures: Luke 12:4-5; 1st Samuel 2:5; 2nd Timothy 2:3; 1st Timothy 4:8; 1st Corinthians 13:11; Joshua 1:7-9

Video Sermon by: Pastor / Elder Dwayne Battles - “The Teacher”

Video edited by: Mr. Yoram Jere - “The Warhammer”

Write up by: Chaplain David Lee Williams - “The Swordsman”

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

These are the words of God, to His prophet Joshua. Be strong and courageous! These are the words that emanate from the mouth of God, concerning the way we should walk and live on this earth.

This is in particular, extremely important for men…especially young men! In a society, where the male gender, has been attacked, and the roles of a man are no longer clearly defined…we truly need to hear and know what God says about, how we as men are supposed to live, behave, and engage with our family, our friends and in our community.

We have to be “Fearless”…God commanded us to be fearless as men…Pastor and Elder Dwayne give some deep insight in regards to this subject, and exegesis according to scripture! You can’t afford to miss this teaching! It will tremendously bless you and your family!

We encourage you all to watch this video, click and subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you will be informed when we load new videos…

Blessings in Christ!!!

“The Swordsman”
Chaplain / Christian Mentor / Preacher and Teacher
A slave, soldier and bond servant of Christ Jesus!

Music from
Track: Start by Damtaro

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