2 years ago

Though widely available throughout the world, in 1991 stevia was banned in the U.S. due to early studies that suggested the sweetener may cause cancer.

Studies found Stevia DECREASES Fertility by 79%.

In 2008 our loving FDA added Stevia to the list of Food Additives with the GRAS label - meaning Generally Recognized as Safe.

Since then, the former banned substance for causing cancer has been pumped into the food supply in over 14,500 products, including Teas, Soft Drinks, Juices, Yogurt, Soy Milk, Granola Bars, Chewing Gum, Cereal and Salad Dressing.

Stevia as the plant-based sweetener that has a minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin levels and as a healthy alternative to sugar and even artificial sweeteners that we know can disturb the gut microbiome.

Native to parts of Brazil and Paraguay, the Stevia Rebaundiana plant was first studied in 1899 by the botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni who observed its sweet taste. Locals called it kaʼa heʼẽ , or “sweet herb”, and used it as medicine with a very specific purpose.

According to Bertoni the botanist, Stevia was used by the native tribes in Paraguay for centuries as a powerful contraceptive that destroys fertility.

Since Stevia has been pumped into the Western food supply, birth rates have plummeted, risking population collapse.

Obama’s science czar knew about the effects of Stevia all along.

The European Commission has published a new labeling guide for stevia-based sweeteners. Steviol glycosides (E 960) have been renamed "Steviol glycosides from stevia (E 960a)«. This new denomination will have to be fully complied with before January 2023.

The Rockefeller''s and Henry Kissinger is behind the Sterilization Plan. Then enter the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with their Vaccines for Infertility. Listen to all of this. -- Contraceptive Properties of Stevia rebaudiana

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