Brownsville Revival. The Axe is at the Root. 09/03/96.

2 years ago

On June 18,1995, at Brownsville Assembly of God, near Pensacola, FL, God's revival fire fell. This is an uncut video from the service from 09/03/96. The revival had been running continuously for 14 months. The video quality is poor by our standards, converted from a VHS recording. But the content is priceless. These videos are a unique opportunity to participate in God's amazing work, then and now. Enjoy His presence.

Watch the axe starting at 1:30:18. Classic Steve Hill!

John Kilpatrick, Pastor
Steve Hill, Evangelist
Lyndell Cooley, Worship leader
Brownsville Assembly of God, Brownsville, FL (near Pensacola)
September 3, 1996.

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