AstroLee: fiery & shocking Leo Full Moon, practical plans for our dreams. Early February 2023 #ep80

2 years ago

#FullMoonLeo #astrology #astrologytips #astrologyposts #horoscope #mercurycapricorn #2023 #astrology2023 #february2023 #astrologyfebruary2023 #MarssextileChiron2023

Weekend of 4-5 February: Venus (10 Pisces) square Mars (10 Gemini). Adjustments in relationships. Honest shared feelings to achieve harmony.

Sunday 5 February. Full Moon 16 Leo (square Uranus in Taurus). Relates to endeavours begun on the 21/8/2021 New Moon, which developed on 8/5/2022. (Also is at 16 degrees, like the Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on 8/11/22; and in the Draco constellation). Very public shocking changes, royalty and 'leaders' stepping down. Opportunities for new technology and ideas amidst the chaos. Eccentric behaviour by famous people.
Venus (11 Pisces) trine Pallas Athena (11 Cancer). Restrategising in our relationships and finances, following elders' counsel.

Monday 6 February. Mercury (23 Capricorn) sextile Neptune (23 Pisces) 3 (1: 24/12/22, 2: 2/1/23). Mercury's discussions about how to make our dreams happen reach their final, most practical set of plans, just before Mercury leaves his retrograde shadow on 7 February.

Tuesday 7 February. Vesta into Aries until 15/4/23. A sacred and passionate desire to begin new HF projects.
Chiron conjunct Juno (12 Aries): life-changing partnerships can begin, which heal one another.

Wednesday 8 February. Pallas comes in bounds: strategies around home, family and boundaries get less wild.
Venus (15 Pisces) sextile Uranus (15 Taurus): flings, financial windfalls, new artistic and fashionable styles.

Friday 10 February. Mercury conjunct Pluto (28 Capricorn). The messenger finally meets Pluto, after discussing options for two months. Seeing through propaganda. Final review of our illusory democracies' actions and words since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Leaving behind power-over-other patterns. Powerful persuasiveness. Soul-level insight.

Saturday 11 February. Mercury into Aquarius until 2/3/23. Mercury turns to the future. Updating technology for more HF uses and checking we are using it wisely. Intellectual research and discussions. Communal activities.
Mars (13 Gemini) sextile Chiron (13 Aries) 3 (1: 11/9/22, 2: 19/12/22). After his long retrograde, the Warrior is a lot clearer about his hobbies, social media use, siblings, and has thoroughly explored the neighbourhood. Knowing which actions can really change our lives so it is more true to us. Masculine energies raised in frequency. Communications have become streamlined and clearer.



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